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Theraphim, often spelled as “teraphim,” refers to household idols or images that were used in ancient cultures for various religious or divinatory purposes. The term is primarily associated with the ancient Near East, including regions mentioned in the Bible.


Theraphim, often spelled as “teraphim,” refers to sacred rocks, idols, or images used in ancient cultures for healing, and various religious or divinatory purposes. The term is primarily associated with the ancient Near East, including regions mentioned in the Bible.

In the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), theraphim are mentioned in several passages, often in the context of religious practices or family traditions. For example:

  1. Genesis 31:19:
    • “Now Laban had gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel had stolen the household gods that were her father’s.”
  2. Judges 17:5:
    • “And the man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and household gods, and ordained one of his sons, who became his priest.”

In NeuroCosmica, the difference between an Amulet and a Theraphim is minimized. The Amulet may or may not be worn as a choker, pocket, purse, kept in a chest, etc., as long as it is always worn in the same way. While the Theraphim is worn around the neck or must remain stored in a chest enabled for these purposes.

The significance and nature of theraphim vary among different ancient cultures, and interpretations may differ based on historical and archaeological perspectives. It’s important to note that the understanding of theraphim is largely derived from historical texts, and interpretations may be subject to scholarly debate.

Silver Chest with a Light Algorithm painted on the lid

These Silver Chests have painted on their lids a combination of Colors that represent the Light Algorithm corresponding to the person who acquires them, in the area of their requirements. In addition, whoever purchases it also receives the Video of its Light Algorithm to be viewed on their Cell Phone.

A Light Algorithm is a combination of Colors (representing the corresponding Energy values) that reflect the optimal conditions necessary for a state of relaxation that enhances the person’s response to distortions that lead to diseases or adverse situations of different kinds.
You will receive:
1. A 30-second video
2. Tutorial for correct implementation of the Video

Once you purchase this Light Algorithm, you will receive a list of Information that you must provide us to personalize your Light Algorithm.

Important: Light Algorithms are not intended to replace your doctor’s instructions. They are combinations of Light that, according to NeuroCosmica, achieve an ideal state of relaxation so that your Brain responds appropriately to the Adversity treated. In no way should they be considered a cure, but rather a practice that pursues an optimal state of calm.


Estos Cofres de Plata, llevan pintados en su tapa la combinación de Colores que representan el Light Algorithm correspondiente a la persona que lo adquiere, en el área de sus requerimientos. Además, quien lo adquiere, también recibe el Video de su Light Algorithm para ser visualizado en su Celular.

Un Algoritmo de Luz es una combinación de Colores (en representación de los valores de Energía correspondientes) que refleja las condiciones óptimas necesarias para un estado de relajación que potencia la respuesta de la persona ante distorsiones que conducen a enfermedades o situaciones adversas de diferente índole.
Usted recibirá:
1. Un vídeo de 30 segundos
2. Tutorial para la correcta implementación del Vídeo

Una vez que compre este Algoritmo de Luz, recibirá una lista de Información que deberá proporcionarnos para personalizar su Algoritmo de Luz.

Importante: Los algoritmos de luz no pretenden reemplazar las instrucciones de su médico. Son combinaciones de Luz que, según NeuroCosmica, consiguen un estado de relajación ideal para que tu Cerebro responda adecuadamente a la Adversidad tratada. De ninguna forma deben considerarse una cura, pero si una práctica que persigue un estado de sosiego óptimo.


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